We organize all-inclusive programmes of treks/hikes and other adventure and cultural activities in Nepal. We book your hotels and arrange your transport in Nepal. Though you’re free to book your own hotels
We communicate with you to try to build up a picture of what you’re looking for so as we can construct an itinerary to suit your tastes, budget, time schedule, ability, experience etc.
What we do not do; we do not normally arrange your international flight, we feel that your travel arrangements to and from your domestic airport make it better for you to arrange your own flights. However we can book international flights if that’s what you prefer. We do advise you on the sort of rates you should be paying. We take over the moment you pass through Kathmandu Airport.
Ditto we can give you advice on adventure activity insurance, but the policy is normally left for you to sort out.
Please use the Questionnaire form to open communication with us.
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